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The Words by the Handful Series

By Mimi Brian Vance
Four stories to help you and your baby communicate with baby sign language.

Milk and More
Boat and Bath
Book and Bed
Baby and Bunny

Tummies on the Run

by Andrea White and Mimi Vance, Illustrations by Rob Shepperson
"...Tummies round and flat and fun
A world of tummies on the run."


by Andrea White and Mimi Vance Illustrated by Rob Shepperson
"...Sheets, pillows, blankets, beds
Snuggles for all sleep heads..."


By Mimi Vance and Andrea White, Illustrated by Mary Cooley Craddock
"...Water on the move,
Sparkle, glisten, groove,
Sprinkle, shimmer, spray,
Mist that whispers "play"!

Veggies Vroom Vroom / Vegetales Intergalacticos

by Andrea White and Mimi Vance, Illustrations by Bill Megenhardt
"...Artichokes for landing gear,
And mushroom bumpers front to rear."

Mariachi Man/ El Mariachi

by Andrea White and Mimi Vance, Illustrations by Bill Megenhardt.
"... Jars are changing - can it be?
Look! It's a Spice Band in front of me."