Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!
Happy Birthday, Ted Geisel of Mulberry Street!
All your prose thrills my ears with each tongue-twisting feat
With fantastical creatures, syllabical twerks -
Inspirational tales with life-messaging perks!
But forgive me one sound you won't hear in my voice -
I just cannot pronounce your last name to be "zoise."
Through your books I have conquered some hard words like Thwerl,
Then there's Obsk, and there's Humpf, and then Thnad - but the curl
Of my tongue or my brain will not budge! It's no use!
I will love you forever! (And still call you Seuss.)
My tribute to a magical writer on his birthday, 2020 - by Mimi Brian Vance